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Baby math is a complex equation that does not have an answer and is designed to make the parent feel bad about themselves. Read on for more about my journey in pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood.

Learn about process-focused Tarot and the spiritual meaning of certain cards that you may not have seen before.

These pieces are all about my perspective on wellness as a feminist witch who loves science. You’ll also find excerpts from my books here, among other things.

These articles do a deep dive into movies and TV from a feminist and sometimes spiritual perspective. Grab some popcorn and think a little more about your latest Netflix binge.

wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

The Limits and Liabilities of Cultivating Your Intuition

We are living in an era when pagan religions and personal spirituality are having something of a revival. Organized religion is still very powerful, but many people have been turning away from an official hierarchical religious structure and exploring spirituality on their own terms.

For some of us, this means cultivating certain powers we didn’t know we had—listening to our bodies, intuiting other people’s emotions, hearing the voice of gods (or goddesses) through meditation or plant journeys, and sometimes even having access to our spirit guides or ancestors who have passed over to the other side. These experiences are powerful and fascinating—and a little confusing.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

The Wisdom of Hesitation

Ever caught yourself waiting before making a decision, but not knowing why? Explore how hesitation can be a meaningful manifestation of intuition.

You’ve thought about it, you’ve weighed the pros and cons, you’ve made your decision and then…you hesitate. Your mouse hovers over the “purchase now” button, you’ve written the text but can’t quite bring yourself to press “send,” or you put your key in the ignition but can’t quite seem to start the car. You hesitate.

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tarot Julie Peters tarot Julie Peters

What is Process-Focused Tarot Reading?

I first learned about the term process-focused or process-oriented Tarot reading from Jessica Dore, a Tarot reader and teacher whose first book, Tarot for Change, just hit the shelves. Her approach is so much more intuitive than I had often seen when I was trying to leaf through guidebooks and memorize the meaning of each card. She offers Tarot the way I had already been reading it: by observing the images of each card and noticing what comes up.

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