Guided Meditations

Julie Peters Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: The Calming Power of Water

Allow the soothing properties of water to calm you in this short but powerful guided meditation.

Take some time to connect with the cooling, healing, free-flowing energies of the water element. This meditation may help you calm anger or irritation and gently open to the flow of emotions in your body. Allow the calming energy of water to melt any stuck places and balance your energies with this element meditation.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Guided Meditation for Womb Healing

Send healing energy to your womb space with this gentle guided meditation.

If you have a womb (or had one, or wish you had one), this little part of our bodies can go through some pretty big changes. We can experience pain, bleeding, and major life transformation due to the impact of this little organ. Our bodies hold secrets and are often willing to talk to us if we take the time to listen to them. Slow down and pay attention to the energy of your womb (even if a physical uterus is not there) and see if you can hear what it's trying to tell you.

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sleep Julie Peters sleep Julie Peters

Guided Meditation for Sleep: Garden of the Goddess

Drift off to sleep peacefully with a 17-minute guided meditation into the garden of the Goddess.

In this guided sleep meditation, you will envision walking through a forest into a special garden belonging to the Goddess herself. This could be a specific goddess that you follow, or it could simply be an archetype of the divine feminine that you need today. Watch her take the form that's most supportive for you today while you sit next to her, telling her what's on your heart. Rest in this beautiful place while you lull yourself to sleep.

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energy healing Julie Peters energy healing Julie Peters

The Cleansing Power of Fire

Connect to the energy of the element of fire, which is cleansing, transformative, and boundary-affirming. If you're feeling sluggish, slow, unmotivated, angry, or bogged down, this meditation will help you clear what's not yours and light the spark in your belly to help you move forward with what's important to you.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: Finding Good Love

Is finding the right romantic relationship a struggle for you? Consider sitting down for a meditation on good love and begin the process of self-discovery.

If you've had trouble finding the right romantic relationship, you're not alone. There's nothing wrong with wanting good love. In this meditation, we will explore our opinions on the process of finding love, meeting parts of ourselves that may not be so sure about intimacy and parts that definitely want intimacy. We will allow these parts to talk to each other to see if there is anything we need to put in place to help ourselves feel safe enough to be vulnerable and seek good love.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: Inviting Spring Fire at Imbolc

Welcome the gentle spark of early spring with this meditation honoring Imbolc, the ancient pagan cross-quarter festival celebrated around February 1st. The word "imbolc" means "in the belly" and indicates the energy that grows with the light as we slowly shake off winter and enter into the Spring season with all its hope and possibility.

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sleep Julie Peters sleep Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: Energy Clearing for Bedtime

Prepare for sleep by clearing your energy field, connecting with loving energy, and sending that loving energy wherever it might be needed before you nod off at night. Calm your body with the image of a gentle golden or white light and allow this sweet connection to help you let go of whatever you picked up during the day and prepare for rest.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: How to Be Present With Big Emotions

Learn how to be fully in the moment with big emotions through with this gentle meditation.

This is a simple mindfulness practice for sitting with your emotions. We will observe the sensations of the emotions in our bodies while softening the stories of what they mean. This can often be enough to help soothe a feeling. We may also need to pay attention to the feelings in some way, and this practice gives us a chance to do that.

Keep in mind that this practice may bring tears or other reactions to the surface, so ensure you have time to take care of yourself after the meditation. If you're working with traumatic or overwhelming feelings or memories, this meditation may not be appropriate for you and you may prefer to do this kind of work with a trained counselor.

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seasons, witches' year Julie Peters seasons, witches' year Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: Inviting Intuition at Samhain

Deepen your intuition and celebrate Samhain, an ancient pagan harvest festival happening on November 1st.

Samhain is an ancient pagan harvest festival as well as the start of a new year for witches who follow the Wheel of the Year. It's a time when the veils between the worlds thin, and an excellent time to invite our intuition in as we move into the dark half of the year. This simple meditation honors the seasonal moment and practices focus on the third eye, a source of intuitive wisdom in the physical body.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Lughnasadh Meditation for Gratitude on the First Harvest

Gather gratitude with this guided meditation to celebrate Lughnasadh, an ancient Celtic harvest holiday.

This meditation invites us into the energy of pause and gratitude with Lughnasadh (pronounced “LOO-nuh-suh”), the ancient pagan celebration of the cross-quarter moment between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox (around August 1st). Connect with the energy of the late summer season and invite in gratitude as we move gently towards the next phase of the turning of the Wheel of the Year.

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wellness, seasons Julie Peters wellness, seasons Julie Peters

Litha Meditation for Sun and Earth Magic

Get cozy in nature and connect with the power of summer with this meditation for Litha, a pagan summer solstice celebration.

Stretch out on the ground, at the beach, or wherever you feel most comfortable and connect with the magic of Litha, the summer solstice, when the powers of the sun are at their peak, bringing forth the powers of the earth. Rest in this magical moment, knowing that you are enough as a part of this beautiful earth, receiving the powerful energy of the sunlight.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

A Check-In for Body and Spirit: Guided Meditation

This simple meditation, which could be done daily, is a way of checking in with what's happening in your body, mind, and spirit. Settle into your body, moving your awareness through the major energy centers to feel what's happening in each place, then simply listen, giving your intuition and your spirit a chance to talk to you.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

Heart-Opening Meditation for Beltane

Welcome Beltane, or May Day, with this short heart-opening meditation. Connect with the themes of High Spring including hope, connection, love, and intentions as we work on opening and listening to the wisdom of the heart. If possible, do this meditation laying down with a bolster or pillow under your upper back to enhance the heart-opening experience.

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wellness, wheel of the year Julie Peters wellness, wheel of the year Julie Peters

Ostara Meditation for the Spring Equinox

In this meditation, we acknowledge Ostara, the traditional celebration of the Spring Equinox, as a moment when the light and dark are equal and when we transition from the dark half of the year to the bright half. We focus on inviting the energy of fertility (literal or metaphorical), hope, and light while shedding any dark winter energy we are ready to release.

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sleep Julie Peters sleep Julie Peters

Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Restful Path

In this guided sleep meditation, we begin with a gentle body scan, then move into a visualized walk along a lovely, relaxing path, barefoot, on a perfect summer day. We will wander along a stone path lined with blackberry bushes, then through an alder forest onto a beach at sunset where a friend waits for us to rest and enjoy the view.

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wellness, healing Julie Peters wellness, healing Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: Connect With Your Inner Child

Follow along with this gentle guided meditation to get to know your inner child better and help them heal.

We know our inner child is present when we feel experience big reactions to relatively small things that are happening in our lives. The inner child often shows up to let us know we're not getting what we need.

Connecting with our inner child can help them get what they need from us and allow us to see our situation clearly. It is also a wonderful way to get to know ourselves better in a gentle and loving way.

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energy work Julie Peters energy work Julie Peters

Guided Meditation: A Shield of Love, Healing, and Protection

In this guided meditation, you'll imagine a shield around your body protecting you from any energies you do not need. Invite love and healing for your body, mind, and spirit, allowing you to relax and feel better. This is a great meditation to practice when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, unsafe, or want to help yourself relax before bed.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

Winter Solstice Meditation For Releasing the Old Year and Welcoming the New (Dec 21st)

The Winter Solstice (Dec 21st in the Northern Hemisphere) is the longest, darkest night of the year. It is the end of the solar year, and the very next day begins a new cycle. Let go of the darkness of the last year and invite the light of new hope and possibility in the next year with this ritual and meditation practice. You may like to gather a candle, a glass of water, and a pen and paper to help you move through this ritual practice.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

A Chakra Balancing Meditation for Healing and Connection to Spirit

This simple chakra balancing meditation will bring your awareness to each of the physical locations of the energy centers in your body, inquiring into them, and inviting them to spin in balance with each other and a loving, healing intention. Use this meditation as a check-in and a way to invite your spiritual energy to flow through your body. Please note that we do focus on certain areas of the body in this meditation including the pelvis, throat, and other places.

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