The Spiritual Meaning of Wasp Stings

While wasp stings can certainly be random and unfortunate, they can also teach us about ourselves and our perspective on life. What is the spiritual meaning of a wasp sting?

Stung by a wasp? This could, of course, be a random coincidence, and a wasp sting rarely needs more medical attention than soap and water, plus a little calamine lotion. Some people are allergic to wasp sting venom, and if there is any sign of the throat swelling or difficulty breathing, it’s important to call 911 (or your country’s equivalent) right away.

In some cases, people can have what’s known as a “large local reaction” of painful swelling lasting a couple of days with other symptoms that do not include anaphylactic shock. These large local reactions are somewhat random—they don’t necessarily indicate future reactions like that and tend to go away on their own within a week.

Whatever your reaction, a wasp sting sometimes feels like it’s trying to tell you something. What is the spiritual meaning of a wasp sting? Keep reading…


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