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Baby math is a complex equation that does not have an answer and is designed to make the parent feel bad about themselves. Read on for more about my journey in pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood.

Learn about process-focused Tarot and the spiritual meaning of certain cards that you may not have seen before.

These pieces are all about my perspective on wellness as a feminist witch who loves science. You’ll also find excerpts from my books here, among other things.

These articles do a deep dive into movies and TV from a feminist and sometimes spiritual perspective. Grab some popcorn and think a little more about your latest Netflix binge.

baby math Julie Peters baby math Julie Peters

Miscarriage: Spiritual And Energetic Considerations

Miscarriage is a devastating experience and shockingly common, happening in about one in four pregnancies. It is defined as any pregnancy loss before 20 weeks of gestation, so it can look like anything from a chemical pregnancy, which happens before 5 weeks, to a loss beyond the 12-week mark, when many of us assume we’re in the clear.

It is normal to ask about the meaning of horrible experiences like this, and there are a few ways we can think about how the body, mind, and spirit may be communicating through miscarriage.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

Why I Don’t Believe in Laziness

What do you think laziness means? Most of us think of it as idleness, especially when something needs to get done. The image of a “lazy person” is of someone sitting on the couch watching TV or scrolling through their phone when the garbage needs to be taken out. Laziness is associated with procrastination, an inability or unwillingness to complete the task required. Most of us also think of this as a bad thing.

What if it’s not? What if laziness—sitting on the couch scrolling on your phone, unable to get up even though the garbage needs to go out—is a natural human need? What if it’s even more than that: a resistance to productivity, a rebellious act of rest?

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Why It’s Okay to Want Romantic Love

Love is an ongoing, evolving experience, not something that can be won or lost. If you’re single this Valentine’s Day, explore a new perspective on the desire for love.

When we are young, many of us are concerned with dating, finding the right person, and settling down. Not all of us end up doing those things, and as we get older, we find we’re still looking for a partner while others around us have found theirs. Or, perhaps, we've settled down just fine, but then our relationship ends and we find ourselves single once again. Single life can involve a lot of “It’s fine, it’s fine, I don’t need anyone!” Which may well be true. But that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to want someone.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Were You a Witch in a Past Life?

More than ever, the world needs healers. If you feel drawn to the healing arts or community building, you might have been—or may be now—a witch.

Do you feel extra connected to nature, trees, and the seasons? Do you sometimes feel other people’s emotions as if they were your own? Do you find yourself attuned to the moon, the stars, and other unseen energies? Do you do healing work like counseling, nursing, medicine, massage therapy, herbalism, or nutrition, or any version of artwork or community building? You could be a witch. And you could have also been a witch in a past life.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

5 Quick Ways to Manage Big Emotions

Overwhelming emotions are common but often feel insurmountable. Try these five techniques to ground yourself and unwind.

Big feelings are a part of life—and not just for toddlers, either. It’s normal and natural as a human being to have big reactions to the inevitable difficulties of life.

Unfortunately, our culture is not so good at handling our big emotions, and many of us have gotten the message that we should suppress and repress those feelings so we can continue to function. This is a bad idea, partly because those stuck emotions end up coming out in other ways, often as physical symptoms. When we’re constantly trying not to feel what we feel, we create a consistent stress response in our bodies, and that can make us really sick.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

The Spiritual Meaning of Wasp Stings

While wasp stings can certainly be random and unfortunate, they can also teach us about ourselves and our perspective on life. What is the spiritual meaning of a wasp sting?

Stung by a wasp?

Whatever your reaction, a wasp sting sometimes feels like it’s trying to tell you something. What is the spiritual meaning of a wasp sting?

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

Attraction Is Our Wounds Trying to Heal

When we are attracted to unhealed people, it’s often because of unhealed wounds within ourselves. Learn more about working with intuition to unravel conditioning in relationships.

What, exactly, is attraction? We often think of it in terms of a romantic draw towards someone with particular looks, or a type, but as many of us have experienced, our romantic interest in someone has so much more to do with things like the way they talk, what they are interested in, their mannerisms, and other mysterious factors. What if one of those mysterious factors is our own deeply held attachment wounds? What if attraction actually is our wounds trying to heal?

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newsletter Julie Peters newsletter Julie Peters

Loving an Aging Body

My birthday lands in late September, and while I love the season, I don’t always love my birthday. I tend to get really melancholy around it, always comparing my reality against what I thought my life was supposed to look like at whatever the age is. Then I do that thing where it’s never enough—you know that thing?

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

The Spiritual Meaning of Food Allergies

What we react negatively to—even and especially the foods we eat—can offer us deep wisdom. Learn more about the spiritual meaning of food allergies.

Food allergies are common and can range in severity from slight discomfort to anaphylactic shock. Food allergies can be life threatening, and it’s important to work with your doctor on managing these allergies appropriately. In the meantime, it can be useful to consider what your food allergies might be trying to tell you on an energetic or emotional level.

Learning this won’t necessarily cure your allergies, but it might help show you how to support your body to lessen the effects of allergies or even change something in your life for your greater good. What’s the spiritual meaning of food allergies?

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newsletter, wellness Julie Peters newsletter, wellness Julie Peters

Mead Moon

The Wiccans and English Medieval traditions refer to the full moon closest to the summer solstice as the Mead Moon. At this time of year, beehives are heavy with sweet honey that can be fermented into an alcoholic elixir called mead.

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wellness, tarot, newsletter Julie Peters wellness, tarot, newsletter Julie Peters

Spring and the Vulnerability of Hope

I’ve been in a complex dance with hope over the last couple of years, and I’ve noticed that I have a tendency to expect and plan for the worst. I keep hope very, very close to my heart and certainly don’t engage with it joyfully. This helps me feel safer from a negative outcome. It helps me feel like I’ll avoid the embarrassment of finding out I shouldn’t have hoped. 

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

Akhilandeshvari: The Never Not Broken Goddess (or Why Lying Broken on Your Bedroom Floor is a Good Idea)

The goddess Akhilandeshvari derives her power from being broken: in flux, pulling herself apart, living in different, constant selves at the same time, from never becoming a whole that has limitations.

But remember Akhilanda’s lesson: even that new whole, that new, colourful, amazing groove that we create is an illusion. It means nothing unless we can keep on breaking apart and putting ourselves together again as many times as we need to.

We are already “never not broken.” We were never a consistent, limited whole. In our brokenness, we are unlimited.

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newsletter Julie Peters newsletter Julie Peters

Welcome to Witch Season

So welcome to Witch Season. Halloween, or Samhain, is the official beginning of the Witches’ Year, if you’re looking at it from a pagan/Wiccan perspective. This is traditionally the time when the veils between the worlds thin. Some of us find it’s easier to tap into our intuition right now, to talk to our ancestors, and to get guidance from Spirit, whatever Spirit means to us individually.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Hunter’s Moon

Many people experience September as a kind of spiritual New Year—Jewish people, for example, celebrate the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, during the September New Moon. There is a freshness as the cool air sets in and a new energy that may feel quite exciting. Though most of us may not literally be hunting, this time of the year is appropriate for setting clear intentions to achieve our goals, especially in terms of work or learning, and take action on reaching those goals.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

The Values Exercise

We all have values, whether we know it or not. Some of them come from our family, some come from our culture, and some are all our own. When we get a sense of what those values actually are, it’s much easier to set goals in accordance with them. If you’re facing a decision—especially a big one—knowing what your values are can go a long way towards helping you decide. When you can see your most important values right there in black and white, you can ask yourself which decision most closely aligns with those, and the decision often becomes clear right away.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

Decolonizing Therapy: The Colonial Resonances of Traditional Therapy and Changing Ourselves From the Inside Out

Many early therapeutic strategies were developed by privileged white men like Sigmund Freud. They were revolutionary at the time, and there are undoubtedly helpful pieces in them all. But therapies are always a product of the society they come from, and they tend to reinforce the values of that society. When a patient lies on a couch to be judged by a more powerful figure taking notes on them, they are experiencing authority, judgment, and hierarchy, which are all colonial values.

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Julie Peters Julie Peters

Practices to Reconnect to Your Body

And reconnecting with your body is always possible. When we build practices into our lives that can help us feel more connected to our bodies, we are also more likely to feel balanced and physically well. When you reconnect with your body, you are more in touch with your intuition, your emotions, and your power within.

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wellness, newsletter Julie Peters wellness, newsletter Julie Peters

The Death Light (and Saying Goodbye to Finnegan)

The Death Light has been something of a theme for me in the last couple of months. It can be metaphorical or existential—working on a will, thinking about changing our life paths, or considering the legacy we want to leave after we’re gone. But sometimes it’s literal. We witness death, face a serious illness, or someone close to us has died. This last month, one of the ways Death came to my door was for my little orange fox dog Finnegan.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

The Spiritual Meaning of the August Sturgeon Moon

During the August full moon, we are working with a double light: the intensity of the summer sun and the peak of the moon’s illumination. If our inner sea monsters are coming to the surface now, let’s greet them with kindness and listen for what they may have to teach us, rather than trying to force them back down into the dark. This doesn’t have to be a struggle. We can allow this time of stirring up to be medicinal.

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wellness Julie Peters wellness Julie Peters

How Meditation Can Be a Source of Pleasure

Meditation should feel like a little bit of time that’s carved out just for you. It could be for five minutes. It could be sitting on a soft couch with your cat on your lap. It could be laying down. It could be guided by someone else’s recorded voice. It could be a practice of imagining, daydreaming, prayer, or connection with a deity or spirit guide.

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